Work For The Rich, They Will Keep You Poor Work For The Poor, They Will Make You Rich.

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MD Rasel Munshi Rifat

Probasi Kollan Tohobil

Expatriate Welfare Fund. Established: 2023. Location: No. 2 Patikhal gata, Kathalia, jhalakathi . It is a social institution.

We Stand by the helpless people

Standing by the helpless people denotes providing support, assistance, and solidarity to those who are vulnerable, marginalized, or in need. It involves advocating for their rights, lending a helping hand in times of difficulty, and creating a supportive environment where they can thrive.

We Supporting underprivileged families with goods

Supporting underprivileged families with goods involves providing essential items and resources to those who are experiencing financial hardship or lack access to basic necessities.

We Educating orphanage children

Education in orphanages goes beyond traditional classroom learning; it encompasses holistic development aimed at nurturing each child's potential. Within these walls, dedicated educators and caregivers create a safe haven where children not only gain knowledge but also develop essential life skills and resilience.

We Running expenses of madrasa children

The running expenses of a Madrasa for children encompass a spectrum of necessities crucial for their holistic growth and education. This includes provisions for competent teachers well-versed in Islamic studies and other academic subjects, ensuring quality education delivery.

We Provision of accommodation for the underprivileged

Offering accommodation for the underprivileged is a compassionate endeavor aimed at addressing one of the most fundamental human needs: shelter. It involves the provision of safe, dignified, and affordable housing options for individuals and families facing various forms of hardship, such as poverty, homelessness, or displacement.

We provide employment to helpless people

Empowering destitute individuals with employment opportunities is a transformative approach aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering self-sufficiency. It involves the creation of diverse and inclusive job opportunities that accommodate varying skills, abilities, and backgrounds, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
0 +
Our Member's
0 +
Children Helped
BDT 0 K+
Funds Raised
0 T
Food Provided
Our Partners
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